Месяц: Июль 2015


Цитата из книги Дэвида Хокинса «От отчаяния к просветлению»

Лучше всего говорить с внутренней совестью и убедить ее стать надежным союзником и учителем, а не мучителем... Важно осознавать, что одеваться в рубище и посыпать себя пеплом очень мелодраматично, но все это не несет пользы миру и не способствует духовной...

/ Июль 21, 2015

Turris Babel Book Design

This month, we're highlighting the best branding designs submitted by our readers. Check out this Invisible rebrand by Studio Mut.

/ Июль 8, 2015

James Webb Space Telescope

JWST's capabilities will enable a broad range of investigations across the fields of astronomy and cosmology. When this thing goes live in 2018, watch out!

/ Июль 7, 2015

On the hunt for adventure

We sent our field reporters to the coast with a few cameras, a little cash and a single map to see if they could seek out an adventure.

/ Июль 7, 2015

Traveling South America by bus

Owing to Brazil’s continental dimensions, varied geography, history and people, the country’s culture is rich and diverse. Some regions are so different from each other.

/ Июль 7, 2015

Tips to keep your desk clean

The pen of the writer, the pencil of the engineer, the papers of the taxpayer—all find their heavens at the desk. Let's take a look at how to keep it tidy.

/ Июль 6, 2015

Ambient Strings album review

Fresh off their North American tour, The Ambient Strings are back with their last album, Space Sounds. Let's take a look at their sophomore album.

/ Июль 6, 2015

The race for the White House

Located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the White House has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800.

/ Июль 5, 2015

Barack Obama is just getting started

Nine months after his inauguration, Obama was named the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Let's take a look at his other accomplishments as commander in chief.

/ Июль 5, 2015

Curiosity mission extended indefinitely

Curiosity‍‍'​‍s design will serve as the basis for the planned Mars 2020 rover. In December 2012, Curiosity‍‍'​‍s two-year mission was extended indefinitely.

/ Июль 5, 2015